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Curriculum Statement

" We aspire to offer an exceptional education where each child is valued as a unique individual with special skills and talents. We follow the National Curriculum and aim to offer outstanding opportunities which will enable our children to thrive and grow into creative, successful young people. "

As a rural, village school we are positioned on the top of the Dipton hill, with spacious grounds that stretch down the beautiful historic Pont Valley.  Because of this, we endeavour to make the most of our great grounds and aim for high levels of engagement with the outdoors.  

As a small school, we seek to operate as a big ‘family’, where each child is important and where they feel not only part of the school, but also part of the wider community.   

At Collierley our we aim through our curriculum for children to be: 

Curriculum Intent

What are we trying to achieve? 

A curriculum that provides:  

  • Active learning both indoors and out 

  • Children to develop good mental and physical wellbeing 


A curriculum that:  

  • Inspires, motivates and engages with children 

  • Develops resilience  

  • Has high expectations for all children, regardless of their starting points 

  • Encourages children’s confidence and independence  

  • Develops positive learning attitudes and dispositions


A curriculum that enables children to: 

  • Have a positive relationship with themselves and others 

  • Be given opportunities to solve problems, think deeply, develop creativity and skills for life  

  • Understand more about the area (country and world) in which they live, providing rich cultural experiences that build their cultural capital 

  • Develop personal qualities including respect, tolerance and empathy  

  • Develop a sense of pride personal belonging and understanding of the wider community


Curriculum Implementation 

How is the curriculum delivered? What do lessons look like?
  • Continuous provision within early years, year one and year two. 

  • Daily active maths lessons across the school. 

  • Active learning in lessons – eg using drama techniques to support the teaching of reading; children carrying out practical experiments/investigations in science. 

  • Forest School at least one half term for every class – more frequently for children in early years. 

  • Partner and group work. 

  • Daily active playtimes through OPaL. 

  • Prior to teaching the subjects teachers assess what the children already know and develop learning further from these starting points. 

  • Accurate ongoing assessment is used to ensure all learners are appropriately challenged and make progress. 

  • Pupils have access to a range of materials which can support them at different points in their learning (scaffolds, top tips, manipulatives, writing pack, knowledge organisers)

  • Subject leaders plan a curriculum that develops on prior knowledge and skills.  The end points for each year group are clear and leaders seek to support every child in achieving these. 

  • The wider curriculum is planned so that children that find writing challenging are not disadvantaged by poor literacy skills in accessing other subjects. 

  • An annual overview of school visits linked to the children’s learning is planned.  Over the course of their life at Collierley children will have had well-rounded programme of experiences from beach trips, theatre trips, visiting local markets to 4 night residentials. 

  • Restorative Approaches are used across the whole school; developing life skills of conflict resolution. 

  • Children are taught by well-informed teachers who work as part of a continuously developing team, who are focussed on their own professional development as we as that of the children they teach. 

  • Teachers connect with children throughout the lessons giving live feedback that impacts immediately on pupil’s outcomes and learning. 


Curriculum Impact

What are our intended outcomes? How are we going to measure them?


A curriculum where:   

  • Teachers develop innovative ways of working. 

  • Children creatively solve problems using a range of skills. 

  • Children have a good understanding of themselves and how to stay safe both physically and mentally. 


A curriculum where:   

  • Children are inspired and engaged in learning. 

  • Ongoing assessment shows that achievement is high and all children make excellent progress. 

  • Teachers reflect upon and develop their own practice resulting in better outcomes for all children.


A curriculum where:   

  • Children actively contribute to the life of the school, immediate and wider community. 

  • Children have understanding of the fundamental British values and develop into respectful and tolerant citizens who contribute to the wider world. 

  • Children resolve conflict and seek help and support where necessary. 

  • Dispositions for learning are embedded and children develop age appropriate skills and are equipped for next steps in learning

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© 2025 by JWICT

Collierley Nursery and Primary School

Front Street





Tel 01207 570 298



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