Governing Body
Governors work closely with headteachers, Trustees, school staff and a representative from the local authority (LA).
Governor Training
At Collierley we are committed to continuous improvement. Working in collaboration with SLP we aim to offer an annual bespoke training programme. Governors from across SLP are encouraged to attend this training.
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the National Governance Association website.
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Collierley Nursery and Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
Register of Governors’ Interests
Governor Attendance
Schools are required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year.
✓ – Attended meeting
A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N – Did not attend
X – Not a member of the committee
Record of Attendance 2023-2024
Archived Attendance
You can view previous governor attendance by visiting our Record of Attendance page.
Committee Terms of Reference
Full Governing Body
Terms of Reference
Strategic Leadership and Accountability:
In collaboration with school leaders determine a clear and explicit vision for the future. Ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation.
Set strong and clear values and ensure these are embedded across the organisation and adhered to.
Support the strategic direction for the school.
Approve the SEF and monitor throughout the year.
Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions.
Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management of all staff which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities. Have oversight of staff performance throughout the year.
Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employers.
Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year. Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms of reference.
People and Structures:
Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governors.
Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.
Consider and agree delegation of functions to individuals or committees.
Agree committee terms of reference and membership.
Ensure Governors information on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) register and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.
Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments.
Appoint Co-opted and where necessary Parent Governors to the Local Governing Board.
Review and monitor the Governor Induction Process.
Support Governors professional development.
Compliance and Evaluation:
Consider business provided by SLP and other sources.
Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle.
Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.
Confirm arrangements for the completion of a Governor Skills Audit.
Ensure there is regular self-evaluation and review of individual’s contribution to the Board as well as the Board’s overall operation and effectiveness.
Work together with SLP to ensure the school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements.
EXPENDITURE LIMIT as agreed by the Trust
Expenditure Limits
Any items of expenditure up to
Headteacher’s Performance
Terms of Reference:
To arrange to meet with the Director of Education to discuss the Headteacher’s performance targets.
Pay Review Committee
Terms of Reference:
To act in accordance with the Teachers Pay Policy as agreed by SLP Trustee Board.
Meetings: Autumn term.
Disqualifications: The Headteacher; the Chair of Governors (if he/she has prior knowledge or involvement) Spouse/partner. Staff members cannot take part in any decisions.