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Year 1 and 2

Welcome to our Class

Our teacher is Mrs Croney. We are also taught by Mrs Wilkinson one morning or afternoon a week.

Children are totally involved in their learning and are given choices about the activity that they want to focus on. Children on a weekly or daily basis are consulted on activities and resources that could go into the different areas of learning.


Our Learning

KS1 at Collierley Primary School is a seamless transition for the children who have accessed our fantastic EYFS provision. We aim to build upon the learning environment, experiences and skills children have had in reception, whilst supporting them to emotionally acclimatise to Year 1. During this year, the children will begin to take ownership over their learning and take on a range of different opportunities during child-led learning (continuous provision) to develop their independence, resilience and self-motivation. We will support all pupils through this inclusive curriculum while accessing high quality environments indoors and outdoors.

In KS1, we love maths! We are following the White Rose scheme of learning. This helps us to learn our maths in small steps. This means we build on our learning when we are ready to do so. We practise fluency every day. This means we practise our number bonds, times tables and counting forwards and backwards every day. We also use Times Tables Rockstars and we all have our own log in.

KS1 Explore and Learn Areas are:

Homework icon.png

Independent reading and Writing opportunities run throughout every area.

  • Reading

  • Construction

  • Art and Design Technology

  • Maths

  • Small World

  • Computing


  • Curriculum – History , Geography and Science

Each day, children learn through either a small adult led activity, child-led investigation, or by choosing from  planned activities which consists of independent activities initiated by the teacher (linked to curriculum coverage and progression). ‘Planning time ‘and ‘Review time’ each day, play an important role in developing good thinking habits and developing more independent learners.

Seesaw is at the heart of the online learning process of students in KS1. The platform encourages creativity, expression, and feedback that makes students excited to learn. Seesaw is currently used for students in Years 1 & 2. The platform is a parents' window into the classroom, showing what their children have been working on via photos, pieces of written work and videos. Teachers, pupils and parents can all give feedback on individual pieces of work - a fantastic way to strengthen home-school links.

Our Long Term Curriculum Plan 2023– 2024

Basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics are also an integral  part within our classroom setting . Our learning environment allows  children to develop and use these skills on a daily basis in all areas plus the addition of planned focussed English and maths teaching, but the integrity of these skills ensures they are viewed by the children as relevant to their lives, with meaning and purpose.

Every day, children are given the opportunity to manage information, solve problems and make decisions, make connections, be creative, self-manage, work with others and value others ideas, resulting in independent and resilient children

Learning in KS1

We love learning in Year 1 and 2!
See what the children think ...

Spelling and Phonics

Phonics is a big part of Key Stage 1. The children will further develop their phonics skills through a daily 40 minute  Sounds-Write session . They will learn tricky words, spelling rules and how to sound out and blend to aid them with their reading and writing. They will be encouraged to ‘have a go’ at spelling when writing independently, by sounding out words. This is all in preparation for the National Phonics Screening Test which takes place in Summer term.

We use 'Sounds Write' as our phonics scheme and we learn to represent a sound through many different spellings. To read longer and unfamiliar words we 'say the sounds and read the word.' This encourages the children to say each sound before blending. 

Forest School

We are very lucky in Year 2 because Mrs Croney is a forest school leader. This means we get to have forest school sessions every week in the Summer term. In forest school we get to explore and learn in nature, and begin to learn how to teach us how to use tools safely and we will be able to have a fire to cook on.

Look at some of the fantastic things previous year groups have done during Mrs Croney's Forest School sessions.

Our ultimate aim is to raise standards and outcomes for all of our children

How can I support my child at home?

Our homework is set each week and this includes 6 maths questions and 5 spellings. The maths questions link to our weekly maths fluency.

KS1 Homework Example

If you have any questions about Year 1 and Year 2 you can email Mrs Croney. Her email address is

Knowledge Organisers:

Knowledge Organisers are a handy document that children use in school.  These show the key information and vocabulary that children will be learning and using in the different subject areas.


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