In order to maintain a sense of identity and belonging within our school, it is our school policy that children wear school uniform when attending school, representing our school or participating in a school organised event outside of school. Our school encourages all children to grow into healthy adults.
Our School uniform consists of the following:
Grey Tartan Pleated skirt - available online from The School Outfit
Grey / Black Trousers or Shorts
Grey / Black Skirt
Grey Pinafore Dress
White Shirt / Polo Shirt
Red knitted jumper with grey trim - available online from The School Outfit
Red Sweatshirt / Cardigan
Red and White Checked Summer Dress
Black Shoes
Jewellery, including earrings, is not permitted for health and safety reasons.
P.E. Uniform:
Black/Red Shorts
Red Sports T Shirt only available online
Training Shoes / Plimsolls
During the winter months, children are permitted to wear black tracksuit bottoms when taking part in
outdoor P.E. activities
In KS2, children attend swimming sessions throughout the school year. During these sessions, children should have the appropriate swimwear.

How To Order
We have 2 online suppliers for our school uniform with logo-
Motif8 click here or
The School Outfit here