Year 4
Welcome to our
Year 4
Hello, we are Year 4. We are taught by Mrs McNeill on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Miss Crane on a Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday.
We are supported by Miss Ferguson and Mrs Oliver.

We have lots of favourite subjects in Year 4. Some of us really enjoy completing science experiments, some of us love art, some of us love technology . We are all different!
We use Accelerated Reader to help support our reading. We read for 30 minutes each day in class and once we have completed a book we can take a quiz. We love trying to get 100%!
In maths we follow the White Rose Scheme of learning. This helps us to learn new maths in small steps. We also practise our times tables and number facts every day.

All our homework is set on a Friday. We receive some maths work to complete and we are given spellings to learn at home for a spelling test the following week.
We all have our own reading records and we must read at home at least 3 times a week. The more we read, the better readers we will become.
We are also asked to practise our times tables on Times Tables Rockstars at home for 30 minutes. We all have our own log-ins for this.
Year 4 love class visits!
This year we have already been to Corbridge Roman Town!
In March Y4 have the opportunity to attend a 2 night residential at the Kingswood Centre, Dukeshouse Wood. The centre on the outskirts of Hexham offers many exciting activities from archery to zipwire.
Click below to find out more about the residential center.