Physical education is paramount to developing healthy, happy and well-rounded young people. At Collierley Primary and Nursery School, physical education, physical literacy and sport is at the centre of how we develop well-rounded young people.
We are proud to have achieved the afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education in schools. This award highlights our commitment to physical education and sport in school.
We are also proud to have won the North Durham Sport and Physical Activity Award for Contribution to Primary Sport.
“A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can build a lifetime habit of participation and is central to meeting the government’s ambition for a world class education system. Physical literacy (building physical competency alongside confidence, enjoyment knowledge and understanding) and high quality, modern physical education (PE) lessons that engage boys and girls of different backgrounds and abilities should be a fundamental part of every child’s school experience.” – Department for Education, School Sport and Activity Action Plan, July 2019
At Collierley Primary and Nursery School, we provide children with rigorous, consistent, weekly physical education lessons thereby ensuring children are physically literate and well developed in their fine and gross motor skills, coordination and fitness.
Golden Mile
Merton PE Scheme
Inter/Intra school sports competitions
Swimming (Y3 upwards)
Outward bound residential trips (Y6 and Y4)
Forest Schools