
PSHE lessons will prepare children for being good citizens. They will develop emotional intelligence and the ability to articulate their feelings in order to maintain good mental health as well as understanding the importance of their physical health and being healthy. Using a growth mindset strategy, the children will become resilient, flexible learners, knowledgeable for the future.
PSHE is not a statutory subject in the National Curriculum. However, the National Curriculum states that ‘all schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice’. RSE is statutory and we cover all of this content in our PSHE lessons as well as suggested PSHE. The intent at Collierley Primary for PSHE education is to use the starting points of the children to provide the experiences, knowledge and skills to be good citizens.
The planning for PSHE lessons at Collierley Primary is based upon plans designed by the PSHE Association and the statutory RSE guidance to support planning a personalised and flexible PSHE education scheme of work over the course of a school year.
A spiral programme of study revisits themes, gradually extends thinking, expands knowledge and develops skills over the school career.
The planning is based on the three core themes of the PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE education: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.
The order of the teaching through the year is based on the needs of the children and the community from the local authority health profiles.
PSHE/RSE is taught in a dedicated lesson once a week in Years 1 to 6. In Early Years the coverage is via their continuous provision and planning in the moment and is covered in Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
The basis of the weekly planning is provided to class teachers to ensure full coverage and progression across the Key Stages.
Lessons include discussion, quizzes, videos, written and drawn tasks.
Each class has a PSHE floor-book to record the children’s learning and knowledge before and after teaching.
Lessons are appropriate to the ages and needs of the children.
Class teachers are encouraged to respond to issues raised by their class. They inform the subject leader of this in order to adapt the longer term planning to the needs of the children.
Learning is assessed by the teacher using pre and post unit tasks built into the planning.
Built into the long term plan is an enterprise week to give application of economic learning, internet safety planned alongside the computer lead, elections for Head Pupils.
Monitoring is twice a half term, incorporating book scrutiny to match with the planning and pupil interview.
Children will develop positive and healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
Children will understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level.
Children will have respect for themselves and others.
Children will have positive body images.
Children will know how to keep themselves safe physically, mentally and technologically.
Children will have the vocabulary to be able to articulate their feelings.
Mental wellbeing and empathy will be promoted across the school and into the community.
Children will have the knowledge to be able to make informed choices with regards to diet and exercise.
Enabling and Adapting the PSHE and RSE Curriculum for SEND
At Collierley Nursery and Primary School, we are committed to making the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum accessible to all learners, including those with SEND. Our personalised approach is outlined in the document below.
School Council

We are excited to introduce the School Council to you and share their important role within our school community. The School Council comprises dedicated pupils who have been elected to represent the interests and ideas of their fellow classmates.
Every Wednesday morning, these enthusiastic young leaders come together to discuss various school-related matters. They address issues, brainstorm solutions, and contribute to making our school an even better place for all pupils. Their discussions encompass everything from extracurricular activities to improvements in the school environment.
We're pleased to inform you that every Monday, during our assembly, the School Council members will share updates on their discussions and decisions with the entire school. This transparent approach allows us to involve all pupils in the decision-making process and encourages a sense of unity and collaboration.
We believe that involving pupils in these discussions not only empowers them to take ownership of their educational experience but also fosters valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. We encourage you to support and engage with your child's ideas, as their input is invaluable to shaping our school's future.